
Sibyl is an OCI-based interface (a.k.a. a driver) between Rust applications and Oracle databases. It supports both sync (blocking) and async (nonblocking) API.


Assuming an HR sample schema is installed, the following example program would report median salaries for each country in the specified region.

Blocking Mode Version

fn main() -> sibyl::Result<()> {
    let oracle = sibyl::env()?;

    let dbname = std::env::var("DBNAME").expect("database name");
    let dbuser = std::env::var("DBUSER").expect("user name");
    let dbpass = std::env::var("DBPASS").expect("password");

    let session = oracle.connect(&dbname, &dbuser, &dbpass)?;

    let stmt = session.prepare("
        SELECT c.country_name, Median(e.salary)
          FROM hr.employees e
          JOIN hr.departments d ON d.department_id = e.department_id
          JOIN hr.locations l   ON l.location_id = d.location_id
          JOIN hr.countries c   ON c.country_id = l.country_id
          JOIN hr.regions r     ON r.region_id = c.region_id
         WHERE r.region_name = :REGION_NAME
      GROUP BY c.country_name

    let rows = stmt.query("Europe")?;

    while let Some(row) = {
        let country_name : &str = row.get(0)?;
        let median_salary : u16 = row.get(1)?;
        println!("{:25}: {:>5}", country_name, median_salary);

When executed it prints:

Germany                  : 10000
United Kingdom           :  8800

Nonblocking (async) Mode Version

fn main() -> sibyl::Result<()> {
  sibyl::block_on(async {
    let oracle = sibyl::env()?;

    let dbname = std::env::var("DBNAME").expect("database name");
    let dbuser = std::env::var("DBUSER").expect("user name");
    let dbpass = std::env::var("DBPASS").expect("password");

    let session = oracle.connect(&dbname, &dbuser, &dbpass).await?;

    let stmt = session.prepare("
        SELECT c.country_name, Median(e.salary)
          FROM hr.employees e
          JOIN hr.departments d ON d.department_id = e.department_id
          JOIN hr.locations l   ON l.location_id = d.location_id
          JOIN hr.countries c   ON c.country_id = l.country_id
          JOIN hr.regions r     ON r.region_id = c.region_id
         WHERE r.region_name = :REGION_NAME
      GROUP BY c.country_name

    let rows = stmt.query("Europe").await?;

    while let Some(row) = {
        let country_name : &str = row.get(0)?;
        let median_salary : u16 = row.get(1)?;
        println!("{:25}: {:>5}", country_name, median_salary);

Note the only difference between this and the blocking mode program is that async method calls need to be awaited. Otherwise the async version of the program is a verbatim copy of the non-async one.